
Choose date

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Select start day - The trip lasts over 8 days incl. arrival and departure day.

Waiting list

Is the tour sold out? Contact us and we will put you on our waitning list!

Contact us

Personal information

First name:

Last name:




Repeat your email:
E-mail must be the same in both fields.

Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd):


Zip code:



I would like to have training and information in the following language:

T-shirt size:


What is your experience of gravel driving?

Have you previously attended one of our courses?

Have you been on any of our trips before?


What motorcycle you currently have?

Model year:

I have no motorcycle

How tall are you? (in centimeters):

Excess elimination - 3950 SEK
Lowers your maximum excess reduction from SEK 30,000 to SEK 0.

I would primarily prefer to ride:

Do you wish a lowered motorcycle/seat?

Send reservation

How did you first get in touch with Ride Nordic?

Single room (+ 11 500 SEK): Guarantees that you get your own bedroom and own shower/toilet.

Message Let us know if you have any special needs due to. food allergies, diseases, etc. that may affect training / tours, or any other questions or wishes.

Voucher code:

Total price (SEK):
(Approximately EUR)

I have read and agree to the booking terms.

When you have sent your booking, wait until you get to the confirmation page to make sure the reservation is saved in our system.