Select start day The tour lasts 10 days.
First name:
Last name:
Gender: ManWoman
Repeat your email: E-mail must be the same in both fields.
Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd):
Zip code:
I would like to have information in the following language: EnglishSwedishBoth English and Swedish is ok for me
T-shirt size:Men SMen MMen LMen XLMen XXLWoman SWoman MWoman LWoman XLWoman XXL
Add passenger (+ 32 900 SEK):NoYes
T-shirt size:Herr SHerr MHerr LHerr XLHerr XXLDam SDam MDam LDam XLDam XXL
What is your motorcycle experience?Beginner/little experienceBeen riding some but not so activelyActive and experienced rider
Have you previously attended one of our courses?YesNo
Have you been on any of our tours before?YesNo
What motorcycle you currently have?
Model year:
I have no motorcycle
How tall are you? (in centimeters):150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210
Excess elimination - 3950 SEK YesNoLowers your maximum excess from SEK 30,000 to SEK 0.
I would primarily prefer to ride:BMW R 1300 GSBMW R 1300 GS - Automated shift assistantBMW R 1300 GS ADVENTUREBMW R 1300 GS ADVENTURE - Automated shift assistant
Do you wish a lowered motorcycle/seat? NoYes
How did you first get in touch with Ride Nordic? Article / advertising on the internetSearching for experience on the internetFacebookInstagramNewsletter by emailPrinted Motorcycle magazineAdvertising in the mailboxExhibition / eventMotorcycle dealerBy purchasing Touratech productsFriends & acquaintancesOther / don't remember
Single room (+ 12 900 SEK): NoYes Guarantees that you get your own bedroom and own shower/toilet.
Here you can specify if you want to share a house / room with a special participant or partner (enter name + city).
Message Let us know if you have any special needs due to. food allergies, diseases, etc. that may affect training / tours, or any other questions or wishes.
Voucher code:
Total price (SEK):0kr (Approximately EUR)
I have read and agree to the booking terms.
When you have sent your booking, wait until you get to the confirmation page to make sure the reservation is saved in our system.